POUND ZERO is an R18 for-profit BNHA fanzine centered around Bakugou Katsuki. It will feature a variety of sex-positive NSFW art and short stories in a variety of scenarios, settings, and aged-up pairings.
The zine will be printed in 5.5" x 8.5" in full color and perfect bound. It will contain 90+ pages of content by 32 different artists and 7 different writers, featuring illustrations, comics, and short stories. Exclusive merch will also be available to purchase in zine + merch bundles and will include:
limited titty mousepad ft. Bakugou in his winter costume, designed by Mei. Only 100 of these will be available for purchase1.25" 2 button set ft. Bakugou in his summer and winter costumes, designed by Syqitten4"x6" scratch 'n sniff, vanilla scented print of Bakugou in a compromising position, designed by big_bad_spoon3" double-sided acrylic charm that will be included in all physical zine purchases as a stretch goal if we reach 250 hard copy orders, designed by Brodsky
The zine aims to have an assortment of pairings and settings all starring Kacchan. The theme of the zine is an in-universe R18 fanzine for the pro-hero “Ground Zero”.
We are the mods who put together the R18 Kiri zine, Bed Riot. All of the mods are splitting organizing duties as well as financially backing this project. More specifically:
ClaireSail is a writer in the bnha fandom known primarily for her explicit works. She is handling communications and social media. twitter | ao3
G is an artist working in marketing and finance, and is handling the design and layout of Pound Zero. twitter
Slumber is a writer and has participated in zines both as a moderator and a contributor. She is handling production and order fulfillment.tumblr | twitter | ao3

All dates are subject to change.
25 November - 14 December: Applications open.
19 December: Acceptance emails sent.
13 January: First Check-in.
3 February: Second Check-in.
17 February: Final Submissions due.
24 February: Preorders open.
20 April: Bakugou’s Birthday!!! Preorders close.
May: Production period and order fulfillment.
What kind of content will be in the zine?
Pound Zero is for adults, by adults. All content within the zine will be NSFW and all characters depicted within will be 18+, regardless of their canon age, featuring Bakugou in his pro hero years or an AU where he is appropriately aged-up. In addition to not featuring any underage content, the zine also does not have any incest or noncon.
The zine will accept all Bakugou ships or solo-pieces, as long as the focus is Bakugou. This includes m/m ships, m/f ships, ships with other pro-heroes, polyships (OT3s) or multi/orgy, Bakugou as a ‘top’ or ‘bottom’, Bakugou x monster (such as tentacles, dragons, demons, Sludge villain, etc), rule 63 or fem!Bakugou, trans Bakugou, Bakugou selfcest, Bakugou from different AUs, or any other variation as long as all the characters depicted are 18+ years old and not incestuous.
What is Pound Zero’s theme?
Pound Zero takes place in the BNHA canon universe, in the future where Bakugou is the pro hero Ground Zero (a beta hero name for Bakugou Katsuki). The zine itself is meant to parody a fan-made R18 zine for Ground Zero in that universe.
Will there be a digital version of the zine available?
The zine will be available to purchase in four packages: 1) digital copy only, 2) hard copy only, 3) merch bundle, which includes both digital and hard copy versions of the zine plus the print and 2 button set, and 4) limited merch bundle, which will include everything in the merch bundle plus the limited titty mousepad.
How will profits be handled?
The zine is for-profit, and all contributors will receive equal and fair payments for their contributions. Artists and writers will each receive a free copy of the physical zine + merch + digital copy (plus free shipping), as well as a base payment of $25 per contribution. After break-even has been reached, all profits will be divided equally among all members based on their contributions. Details will be given to those selected to participate.
Will there be any SFW content?
The cover and the merch will be SFW, yet suggestive, but all content within will be explicit. The twitter account as well as all promotions will be kept SFW and censored.
How will you ensure minors do not have access to the zine?
Buyers will be required to confirm they are 18+ before purchasing anything from our shop.
How can I support Pound Zero?
Spread the word! Purchase a copy of the zine from our shop, retweet our posts on your own social media accounts.
If you have a question not answered here, feel free to send us an email, shoot us a DM or @ us in a tweet. We also have a curious cat where you can ask us questions anonymously, and see questions already answered, here.